Might be a bit late, but still "HAPPY NEW YEAR". Been too distrought lately to write anything, can't think of anything. Anyways, how is new year up to now? Enjoyed it? anything happened?. I've hated mine already. Shit!!! felt mad, frustrated, disappointed.There's an old saying that goes "Good things will eventually comes to an end". It did actually happened, and it sticks through my mind that i can't sleep at night. It suck!!!! Already three days in the new year, a lot of things happened. Thanks to my Uber Smart Ass Boss, torn my office upside down. Some of those whose really close to me left the company for good, left with really hard feelings. Kinda sad when you see them grew along with this once so small dept of mine. This relationship we have is like siblings, more than just mere fellow co-workers. I cared so much for them, some are like little sisters to me. Hope what you do out there is way better than here. Wish all the good comes to the best and the bad doesn't goes worse to you. Things just really moved on, some do bad and some do good to you. It's up to you to decide for yourself. Sometimes you just got to let things happen and see the consequences. I just hope things that happens after this might be better. I just hope these relationships that i have with all the people around me never ceases.
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